Nokia PC Composer[ 9 ]4• COMPOSE A NEW RINGING TONEYour new ringing tone can consist of up to approximately 70 notes and rests. Thephone discards any notes or rests beyond 70. Use the note counter to the right ofthe Status Bar to monitor the length of your new ringing tone.Create a new ringing tone1 Launch Nokia PC Composer (click Start, point to Programs, point to NokiaPC Suite, then click Nokia PC Composer).2 Click the appropriate note (or rest) button.3 Using the insert point, click the desired line or space on the staff (result: thenote is placed on the staff and is played by your PC’s sound card).4 Continue entering the desired notes and/or rests until you have completed your new ringing tone.5 Click the Play button to play the ringing tone from the beginning.Enter notes using the keyboardIn addition to placing the notes on the staff using the mouse, you can also enterthe pitches from your computer keyboard. The Recording Keyboard is displayed andidentifies the computer keyboard equivalents to notes on a piano or MIDIkeyboard.1 Click the Record button to display the recording keyboard.2 Click the desired note value button on the toolbar.3 Press the key on your computer keyboard associated with the desired note.Tip: If you want a longer or shorter note, select the desired note value from the toolbar, then enter the note’s pitch fromyour keyboard. Note values cannot be selected from your computer keyboard.Edit a ringing toneYou can edit the pitch or duration of the notes already entered on the music staff.CHANGE THE PITCH OF A NOTE1 Click the Selection tool button on the toolbar.2 Move the cursor over the note you wish to change (result: the arrow cursor changesto a hand).3 Drag the note up or down on the staff to the correct location.CHANGE THE DURATION OF A NOTE OR REST1 Click the desired note button (or rest button) on the toolbar.2 Move the cursor over the note or rest you wish to change (result: insert point appears).3 Click the note or rest to replace it with the new note value.Delete notes and restsYou can delete a wrong note/rest or group of wrong notes/rests at any time.DELETE A SINGLE NOTE/REST1 Click the Selection tool button on the toolbar.2 Click the note or rest you want to delete, then press your keyboard’s Delete (DEL) button.DELETE MULTIPLE NOTES/RESTS1 Click the Selection tool button on the toolbar.2 Draw a bounding outline (marquee) with the mouse around the group of notes or restsyou want to delete (result: the group of notes are highlighted in blue).3 Press your keyboard’s Delete (DEL) button.Insert point