Nokia 5330 / 5330 Mobile TV EditionRM-615Service Manual Level 1&214 Confidential Copyright © 2010 NOKIA All rights reserved Version 1.0 ISSUE 113) Open the DOCKING FLEX MODULE connector withthe SS-93.Be careful not to damage the connector or thecomponents nearby!14) Use the camera removal tool SS-88, to detachthe CAMERA. Lift up the SS-88 and remove thecamera.15) Open the UI FLEX connector with the SS-93.Be careful not to damage the connector or thecomponents nearby!16) Move the slide to the opposite position.17) Use the SS-93 to release the four clips holdingthe NUMERIC KEYPAD.18) The NUMERIC KEYPAD is glued to the engineboard. While removing the keypad be careful not todamage the components on the engine board! TheNUMERIC KEYPAD has always to be renewed.