4. Voice responses viewCurrently, the major function of voice response is to be a answer machine. Details are describedbellows.4-1 Voice responses list view and menuThis screen shows a list of voice responses. When a voice response get focused (highlighted),available menu items include:z New voice response: Create a new voice response.z Edit voice response: Edit the focused voice response.z Delete voice response: Delete the focused voice response.z Rename voice response: Rename the focused voice response.z Application: See section 2-1.4-2 Create or edit a voice responsePhonePilot will change to voice response edit mode when you arecreating or editing a voice response. The editing screen is showedas the two screenshots on the bottom right corner of this page. Eachpanes of the screen are explained as fellows:a. The name of voice response being edited now.b. The path of current editing screen.c. Left side icons indicates “call in”.d. Right side icons indicate the corresponding action of every key.Currently there are two possible actions:z Leave a message: When incoming callers select this kindof action, voice response will play a voice greeting first, thenbegin to record their voice message. Notice! When recordingvoice message is processing, the caller will hear a beepevery five seconds. These beeps are generated by youphone and can’t be muted. If caller feel confused by thesebeeps, you can inform them in advanced when greeting isplaying.z Key undefined: The current key isn’t associated with anyaction yet.e. Texts on upper middle are the name of corresponding action.Texts on lower middle are the detail information ofcorresponding action. For examples, the detail information of“Leave a message” shows the maximum duration of a message. It facilitates you to look it over at aglance.The menu items in voice response editing mode include:z New action: When an undefined action getting focused (highlighted), select this menu item willcreate a new action. See section 4-3 for detail explanation of creating a new one.z Edit action: When a defined action getting focused (highlighted), select this menu item will edit anexisting action. See section 4-3 for detail explanation of editing an existing one.z Delete action: When a defined action getting focused (highlighted), select this menu item willPage 8