IndexAA-GPS (assisted GPS) 51address book 32alarmcalendar note 57alarm clock 57anniversary notes 57antennas 16application manager 67application settings 71applications 67assisted GPS (A-GPS) 51attachments 28audio messages 29auto-update for time/date 57Bbackground image 26backing up data 67backing up device memory 54batterycharge level 20charging 15inserting 14birthday notes 57blogs 48Bluetooth 62receiving data 61sending data 61browsercache memory 48security 49widgets 48Ccable 60cache memory 48calculator 54calendar 57callsanswering 42internet calls 46making 42muting the ringing tone 42rejecting 42voice mail 42cameracapturing images 35toolbar 35video clips 35certificatesdetails 67charging the battery 15chat services (IM) 30Clocksettings 58computer connections 60See alsodata connectionsconnection methodsBluetooth 61data cable 60connectionsPC connection 50connectors 13contacts 32copying 32editing 32images in 32ringing tones 32saving 32synchronising 69contacts bar 19Ddata connections 65PC connectivity 60synchronisation 69date and time 57device manager 10displayindicators 20DLNA 39Download!managing items 49Ee-mail 28e-mail messages 27© 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.82