7 8Reduce backlight duration1. From the Home screen, press the Menu key.2. Tap Settings.3. Double-tap Phone.4. Double-tap Display.5. Double-tap Light time-out.6. Touch and drag the bar to the left of the screen to thedesired duration.7. Tap OK.Turn off key sound and touch screen sound1. From the Home screen, press the Menu key.2. Tap Settings.3. Double-tap Personal.4. Double-tap 3URÀOHV.5. Tap Normal.6. Tap Customize.7. Double-tap Key tones and/or Touch screen tones.8. Double-tap Off.POWERTo turn your phone on or off, press and hold the Power key onthe top of the phone.MY NOKIAMy Nokia is a free service that you can sign up to receivetips and support information about your phone, as well asimportant updates from T-Mobile and latest information onNokia products, services, and accessories.:KHQ\RXÀUVWSRZHURQ\RXUSKRQH\RXFDQWDSAccept atthe Welcome to My Nokia screen and follow instructions onthe screen to complete the sign up process.You can also go to http://my.nokia.com/mynokiausa/registration to sign up online.