To make a call from the contacts list, select Menu > Contacts. Scroll to the desiredname. Or, tap the search field to enter the first letters of the name, and scroll to thename. To call the contact, press the call key. If you have saved several numbers for acontact, select the desired number from the list, and press the call key.4. Write textYou can enter letters, numbers, and special characters in several different ways. The on-screen keyboards allow you to enter characters by tapping them with your fingers orthe stylus. Handwriting recognition allows you to write characters directly onto thescreen using the stylus as a pen.Tap any text input field to enter letters, numbers, and special characters.Your device can complete words based on the built-in dictionary for the selected textinput language. The device also learns new words from your input.On-screen keyboardTo activate the on-screen keyboard in portrait mode, select and Mini QWERTYkeyboard.To activate the on-screen keyboard in landscape mode, select and Full screenQWERTY keyboard.When using the on-screen keyboard in portrait mode, tap the keys of the keyboard withthe stylus. When using the on-screen keyboard in landscape mode and in full-screen,you can tap the keys with your fingers.For an explanation of each key and its function, see the following figure.1 — Close - Closes the on-screen keyboard view.2 — Input menu - Opens the touch input options menu, which includes commands suchas Writing language.3 — On-screen keyboard4 — Shift and Caps Lock - Allows you to enter an uppercase character when you writein lowercase using the on-screen keyboard. When you tap this key in handwritingrecognition mode, the last lowercase character switches to uppercase, and vice versa.To turn Caps Lock on, tap the key twice. The key will have a line under it.Write text15CyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack