38Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.Your device supports the sending of text messages beyond the character limit for a singlemessage. Longer messages will be sent as a series of two or more messages. Your serviceprovider may charge accordingly. Characters that use accents or other marks, and charactersfrom some language options like Chinese, take up more space limiting the number ofcharacters that can be sent in a single message.At the top of the display, you can see the message length indicator that tracks thenumber of characters available. For example, 10/2 means that you can still add 10characters for the text to be sent as two messages.Write and send a SMS message1. Select Menu > Messages > Create message > Text message.2. Enter a message. See Write text p. 33. To insert text templates or a picture intothe message, see Templates p. 40. Each picture message comprises several textmessages. Sending one picture or multipart message may cost more thansending one text message.3. To send the message, select Send, or press the call key.Note: The picture message function can be used only if it is supported by yournetwork operator or service provider. Only compatible devices that offer picturemessage features can receive and display picture messages. The appearance of amessage may vary depending on the receiving device.