CCopyright © 2001. Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.Nokia 6090 technical information 127.2 System connector pinningThe following table consists of the pin out of the system connector. The connections onthe system connector are shown in the following table, I/O's are given in view from theradio unit (transceiver).Pin No. Name Function Direction Type1 CARBAT+ Battery Plus Input Power (10.8V.16V)2 CARBAT- Battery Minus Input Power (0V)3 BLD Back light dimming Input PWM 12V4 AMC Antenna-Motor Control Output Open collector (activehigh)5,6 N.C.7 to Handset8 to Handset9 to Handset10 to Handset11 SHIELD Line out Shield for Lineout Output Power/Analog12 N.C.13 LineOutP Line Output (pos.) Output Analog14 LineOutN Line Output (neg.) Output Analog15, 16 N.C.17 CARBAT+ Battery Plus Input Power (10.8V.16V)18 CARBAT- Battery Minus Input Power (0V)19 IGS Ignition Sense Input Dig. 12V20 CRM Car-Radio Mute Output Open Collector (activelow)21, 22 N.C.23 to Handset24 to Handset25 to Handset26 to Handset27 HFMICGND handsfree Microphone GND Output Power/Analog28 HFMICP handsfree Microphone +8V/In I/O Analog29, 30 N.C.31 HFSPKN handsfree loudspeaker (neg.) Output Analog32 HFSPKP handsfree loudspeaker (pos.) Output AnalogFigure 9: Pinning of the system connector8 Additional informationAdditional information is confidential but may be available upon application per e-mail to:6090.productsupport@nokia.comPlease mention company, web site address, your full name, full postal address, the kindof application the development is for and other details you may find useful for us to knowabout.Technical questions related to the Nokia 6090 can be sent to above-mentioned address.