Nokia Customer Care General InformationCompany Confidential TFE-4/RV-1Issue 2.0 Mar/2005 Copyright © 2005 Nokia Corporation. Page 1-3Company ConfidentialAbbreviationsThe ProductThe TFE-4/RV-1 system is a fully functional car phone that depending on the user’smobile phone capabilities can operate in the following modes:• As a fully functional car phone accessing the SIM card of a compatible Bluetoothphone using Bluetooth SIM Access Profile, provides the full feature set.• As a fully functional car phone accessing the SIM card in the Radio Unit of thesystem, provides the full feature set.• As a fully functional car kit accessing a compatible mobile phone using BluetoothHandsfree Profile. However, this offers a reduced feature set.Figure 1: Radio Unit TFE-4ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit ID Input DeviceBT Bluetooth I/f InterfaceDU Display Unit (SU-11/21) JB Junction Board (TF5)EB Engine Board (TF4) PWB Printed Wired BoardGPRS General Packet Radio System RU Radio Unit (TFE-4/RV-1)HD Headset SIM Subscriber Identity ModuleHF Hands Free SW SoftwareHW Hardware UI User InterfaceFigure 1: Radio Unit TFE-4342651