S e t u p y o u r p h o n e122. Set up your phone■ AntennaYour phone has both an internaland external antenna. Thewireless signal antenna isexternal and located toward thetop of the phone. To improve thesignal strength on your phone,extend the external antenna asfar as possible while in use. Aninternal GPS antenna isactivated when you place anemergency call or when youselect Location On from theLocation menu.See "Security," p. 44.Hold the phone as you would any other telephone with the antenna area pointedup and over your shoulder.As with any other radio transmitting device, do not touch the antenna unnecessarilywhen the phone is switched on. Contact with the antenna affects call quality andmay cause the phone to operate at a higher power level than otherwise needed.Not touching the antenna area during a phone call optimizes the antennaperformance and battery life.