I n d e x106IndexNUMERICS1-touch dialing 40Aalarm clock 69antenna 13automate voicemail 32automatic redial 55Bback coverremoving 14replacing 14backlight timeout 53banner 59batteries and chargers 84batteryauthentication 84charging 15charging times 92removing 14replacing 14talk and standby times 92battery information 92business cards 44Ccalculator 74calendar 70call duration 36call forwarding 65call log 35call restrictions 63call settings 55call waiting 66caller groups 40calling card 56callsanswering 16in-call options 17making 18care and maintenance 86certification information (SAR) 90change time 75changing battery 13 , 16chargerconnecting 15information 84times 92clear the cache 78collections 79color schemes 53contacts list 38add 38delete 43edit 42send 44view 43countdown timer 75currency converter 74customer care 8Ddata or fax calls 57date setting 54deleting call logs 36dialing codes 39dimensions 92display language 58display settings 53distribution list 23Eemergency calls 89while using wireless Internet 78enhancement settings 61handsfree 61headset 61loopset 61music stand 62TTY/TDD 61enhancements 83