65Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.• Repeat until - Set an ending date for the repeated entry, for example, thelast date of a weekly course you are taking. This option is shown only if youhave selected to repeat the event.• Synchronisation - Private - After synchronisation the calendar entry can beseen only by you and it will not be shown to others even if they have onlineaccess to view the calendar. Public - The calendar entry is shown to otherswho have access to view your calendar online. None - The calendar entrywill not be copied when you synchronise your calendar.3. To save the entry, press Done.To edit or delete a repeated entry, choose how you want the changes to takeeffect: All occurrences - all repeated entries are changed This entry only - only thecurrent entry is changed.Calendar viewsOptions in the different calendar views: Open, New entry, Week view/Month view, Delete, Go to date, Send, Settings, Help, and Exit.Press in the Month, Week, or Day views to automatically highlight today’sdate.To write a calendar entry, press any number key ( - ) in anycalendar view. A Meeting entry is opened and the characters you keyed in areadded to the Subject field.• To go to a certain date, select Options→Go to date. Write the date and pressOK.