[ 22 ]• BROWSE PHONE MENUSYour phone's features are grouped according to function and are accessedthrough your phone's main menus. Each main menu contains submenusand lists from which you can select or view items, and customize yourphone's features. You can access these menus and submenus by using thescroll method or by using a shortcut.Note: Some features may not be available, depending on yournetwork. For more information, contact your wireless provider.Use the scroll method1 At the Start screen, press Menu, then scroll through the main menususing the up and down scroll keys (ud).As you scroll through the menus, the menunumber appears in the upper right cornerof the display. Below the menu number isa scroll bar with a tab. The tab moves upor down as you scroll through the menus,providing a visual representation of yourcurrent position in the menu structure2 When you arrive at a menu, press Select (L) to enter thatmenu’s submenus.• Press Back (R) to return to the previous menu• Press e to return to the Start screen from any menu or submenuUse a shortcutYou can go directly to almost any menu or submenu, as well as activatemost features by using a shortcut.• Press Menu, then within 3 seconds, press the key or keys associatedwith the menu function you’d like to view or activate.For example, to select the Meeting profile, press Menu 3-3-1 fromthe Start screen (Menu > 3Profiles > 3 Meeting > 1Select). After abrief pause, the Meeting profile is activated.