Digital rights managementContent owners may use different types of digital rights management (DRM)technologies to protect their intellectual property, including copyrights. This device usesvarious types of DRM software to access DRM-protected content. With this device youcan access content protected with WMDRM 10, OMA DRM 1.0, OMA DRM 1.0 forward lock,and OMA DRM 2.0. If certain DRM software fails to protect the content, content ownersmay ask that such DRM software's ability to access new DRM-protected content berevoked. Revocation may also prevent renewal of such DRM-protected content alreadyin your device. Revocation of such DRM software does not affect the use of contentprotected with other types of DRM or the use of non-DRM-protected content.Digital rights management (DRM) protected content comes with an associated licencethat defines your rights to use the content.If your device has OMA DRM-protected content, to back up both the licence and thecontent, use the backup feature of Nokia Ovi Suite.Other transfer methods may not transfer the licence which need to be restored with thecontent for you to be able to continue the use of OMA DRM-protected content after thedevice memory is formatted. You may also need to restore the licence in case the fileson your device get corrupted.If your device has WMDRM-protected content, both the licence and the content will belost if the device memory is formatted. You may also lose the licence and the content ifthe files on your device get corrupted. Losing the licence or the content may limit yourability to use the same content on your device again. For more information, contactyour service provider.Some licence may be connected to a specific SIM card, and the protected content can beaccessed only if the SIM card is inserted in the device.Third-party applicationsThe third-party applications provided with your device may have been created and maybe owned by persons or entities not affiliated with or related to Nokia. Nokia does notown the copyrights or intellectual property rights to the third-party applications. Assuch, Nokia does not take any responsibility for end-user support, functionality of theapplications, or the information in the applications or these materials. Nokia does notprovide any warranty for the third-party applications.BY USING THE APPLICATIONS YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE APPLICATIONS ARE PROVIDEDAS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENTPERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT NEITHER NOKIA NORITS AFFILIATES MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR THAT THE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD-PARTYPATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS, OR OTHER 41CyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack2009-07-07 13:43:57 RM497 User guide publication 2