Configure a G-240W-G indoor ONT1587368 ISAM ONT G-240W-G Product Guide3FE-47555-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01Table 57 Device Information parameters2 Click Refresh to update the displayed information.3 STOP. This procedure is complete.7.3.4 MaintenanceG-240W-G ONTs also support maintenance tasks, including:• password change• LOID configuration• SLID configurationProcedure 59 Password configurationA password must adhere to the password rules, which are as follows:• the password may consist of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digital numbers, andthe following special characters ! # + , - / @ _ : = ]• the password length must be from 8 to 24 characters• the first character must be a digital number or a letter• the password must contain at least two types of characters: numbers, letters, or specialcharacters• the same character must not appear more than 8 times in a rowWhen the password meets the password rules, the application displays the message “Yourpassword has been changed successfully”.Field DescriptionDevice Name Name on the ONTVendor Name of the vendorSerial Number Serial number of the ONTHardware version Hardware version of the ONTBoot version Boot version of the ONTSoftware version Software version of the ONTChipset Chipset of the ONTDevice Running Time Amount of time the device has run sincelast reset in hours, minutes, and seconds