Page 8 (21) Confidential Issue1Copyright © 2009 NOKIA. All rights reserved.9. SERVICE DEVICESCA-101Data Service CableService Cable to connect the PCwith the Micro USB connector.SS-175Domesheet Alignment JigThis jig is used to align the adhesivedomesheet assembly onto the PWBin the proper location duringdomesheet replacement.RJ-230Soldering JigThis tool is used for upper PWBcomponent de-soldering andsoldering.Travel Charger AC-6USmall and lightweight charger forfast charging of your phonebattery.Internal Battery BL-4CInserted under the back cover, thisLi-Ion battery provides power in asales package.0772040NMP Standard Toolkit (V2)For more information refer to theService Bulletin (SB-011) on NOKIAOnline.Supplier or manufacturer contacts fortool re-order can be found in“Recommended serviceequipment” document on NOKIAOnline.