• Applications• Videos• Wallpapers• RingtonesThe selection of items available for download depends on your region.You can also:• Get content that is relevant to your tastes and location• Share recommendations with your friendsTo download from Marketplace, you need to be signed in to your Windows Liveaccount on your phone. When you're signed in, you are offered content compatiblewith your phone.If the local Marketplace for your region is not yet available, your options for usingMarketplace are limited.You can search for and download content directly on your phone, or browseMarketplace on your compatible computer and send links to content to your phonein text messages.Tip: Download music directly on your phone from Zune Marketplace. You can also useyour compatible computer to browse, for example, music and videos in Zune, andcopy the items to your phone. The Zune Music service is not available in all regions.Some items are free of charge; others you need to pay for with your credit card or onyour phone bill. The availability of payment methods depends on your country ofresidence and your network service provider.Browse or search MarketplaceCheck out the latest and most downloaded apps or games, and items recommendedfor you and your phone. Browse different categories, or search for specific apps orgames.Select .View top, new, or featured items, or browse categoriesSelect applications or games, then swipe left or right.Search MarketplaceSelect .Entertainment 57