63GA 935-N Printing AdapterAdapter for parallel printing GA935-NThis portable adapter provides the Nokia Communicator with printing capabilities for parallelprinters equipped with a Centronics connector. Designed for use with the Nokia 9110Communicator, this product allows users to print with compatible printers anywhere. Connect thecable supplied with the Nokia Communicator to the 9-pin connector of the printing adapter, andthe other end to the Centronics connector of a parallel printer. Disconnect all cables when not inuse to maximise battery life.Check that the connection type of the Nokia Communicator is set to Cable in the Print set-tings found under System settings, and that the baud rate is set to the value recommended by theadapter manufacturer. Then use the print option in the Nokia Communicator to print documents,faxes and other information.More information: http://www.greenwichinst.comContact details: see page 70HP CapShare 910 ScannerThe HP CapShare information appliance is a brand new handheld e-copier which enables MobileProfessionals to communicate all paper-based information fast and effectively. HP's CapShare de-vice is small, lightweight and powerful, turning your paper data instantly into black/white andgreyscale electronic format whether a small business card or a large A1-size flipchart. You cancapture, store and then send from just about anywhere - and everything from hand-written scrib-bles to newspaper articles. If you do a lot of travelling and visiting clients, but also need to be inconstant contact with your business base, the HP CapShare is right for you. The number of busi-ness professionals who work away from their desks is growing rapidly and HP JetSendCommunications Technology is an HP-designed communications protocol, allowing users to focuson the task, not the tool. With HP JetSend, users can exchange information from one device toanother over an IP intranet network connection or an infrared connection. A user can create orscan a document and print it directly to a remote colleague's printer down the hall, across thebuilding, or around the world.More information: http://www.capshare.hp.comContact details: see page 706Hardware Compatibility