13 (13)Copyright. 1999. Nokia Mobile Phones. All right reserved4. SMS STRUCTUREAn SMS format is the same as the GPS frame structure. The only difference is that there is no linefeed (\n) between GGA and VTG frames. The same bytes coming from the GPS device areforwarded to the selected destination GSM number via the selected SMS-C. The SIM card usedspecifies the user. No additional individual numbering is needed.Below is one example of SMS frame structure. The content of this SMS message is described inSection 3.$GPGGA,085042.0,6126.7939,N,02351.7650,E,2,7,1.02,00174,M,020,M,01,0000*67$GPVTG,000.0,T,354.8,M,000.00,N,000.00,K*445. LEGAL NOTICEThe content of this document is copyright Nokia 1995 - 1999. All rights reserved. Reproduction,transfer, distribution or storage of part or all of the contents in any form without the prior writtenpermission of Nokia is prohibited.Nokia is a registered trademark of the Nokia Corporation. Nokia's product names are eithertrademarks or registered trademarks of Nokia. Other product and company names mentionedherein may be trademarks of their respective owners.The contents of this document are provided "as is". Except as required by the applicable law, nowarranty of any kind, either express or implied, is made in relation to the accuracy, reliability orcontent of the document. Nokia reserves the rights to revise the document or withdraw it at any timewithout prior notice.Nokia is not responsible for any lost data, income or any consequential damage howsoever caused.