4-3-1 Color Coordinates (Temperature)Color temperature is a measurement of theradiant energy transmitted by a color. Forcomputer monitors, the color temperature refersto the radiant energy transmitted by white. Colorcoordinates are the X and Y coordinates on thechromaticity diagram of wavelengths for thevisible spectrum.CONDITIONSMeasurement instrument: Color analyzerScanning frequency: 68 kHz/85 HzDisplay Size : 355 (H) x 266 (V)/920C ~ 310 X 232/720CDisplay image: White flat field atcenter of display areaBrightness: Cut-offContrast: MaximumPROCEDUREUse the directions in sections 4-3-2 through 4-3-4to adjust the color coordinates for:9300K to x = 0.283 ± 0.02, y = 0.297 ± 0.026500K to x = 0.313 ± 0.02, y = 0.329 ± 0.025000K to x = 0.346 ± 0.02, y = 0.359 ± 0.024-3-2 Color Adjustments for 9300K4-3-2 (a) BACK RASTER COLOR ADJUSTMENTCONDITIONSScanning frequency: 68 kHz/85 HzDisplay image: Back raster patternBrightness: Cut-offContrast: Maximum1. Select COLOR CHANNEL 1 to control thecolor for 9300K.2. Adjust the luminance of the back raster tobetween 0.3 to 1ft-L using the G_CUTcontrols.3. Click on the << or >> box next to B_CUT toset the “y” coordinate to 0.297 ± 0.02.4. Click on the << or >> box next to R_CUT toset the “x” coordinate to 0.283 ± 0.02.Note: If the above adjustments cannot bedone to each coordinate, click on the<< or >> box next to G_CUT to decreaseor increase the green cutoff (bias) andrepeat procedures 2 and 3.4-3-2 (b) G-GAIN ADJUSTMENTFigure 4-8. Green Box PatternCONDITIONSScanning frequency: 68 kHz/85 HzDisplay image: Green box patternBrightness: Cut-offContrast: Maximum1. Click on the << or >> box next to G_GAIN toadjust the brightness of the Green Gain to25 ± 1 ft-L.Note: If you can’t increase the Green Gain tothe appropriate value, click on the >>box next to increase the ABL point.4-3-2 (c) WHITE BALANCE ADJUSTMENTCONDITIONSScanning frequency: 68 kHz/85 HzDisplay image: Full white patternBrightness: Cut-offContrast: MaximumFigure 4-9. Full White Pattern1. Click on the << or >> boxes next to R_GAINand B_GAIN to make the video white.(For 9300K color adjustment:x = 0.283 ± 0.02, y = 0.297 ± 0.02.)Note: Do not touch the G_GAIN controls.2. Check the ABL. If it is not within thespecifications (30 ± 1 ft-L), use the ABLcontrols to adjust it.3. Select COLOR FACTORY SAVE to save thedata.4 Alignment and Adjustments720C/920C 4-54-3 Color Adjustments1/3H-1/2H1/3V-1/2VFRONT BEZEL OPENINGBACK RASTERGREEN WINDOWFRONT BEZEL OPENINGBACK RASTERWHITE WINDOW