• To keep your important data safe, store it in at least two separate places, suchas your device, memory card, or computer, or write down importantinformation.RecycleAlways return your used electronic products, batteries, and packaging materials todedicated collection points. This way you help prevent uncontrolled waste disposaland promote the recycling of materials. Check product environmental informationand how to recycle your Nokia products at www.nokia.com/werecycle, or with amobile device, http://nokia.mobi/werecycle.About Digital Rights ManagementWhen using this device, obey all laws and respect local customs, privacy andlegitimate rights of others, including copyrights. Copyright protection may preventyou from copying, modifying, or transferring images, music, and other content.Content owners may use different types of digital rights management (DRM)technologies to protect their intellectual property, including copyrights. This deviceuses various types of DRM software to access DRM-protected content. With this deviceyou can access content protected with WM DRM 10 and OMA DRM 1.0. If certain DRMsoftware fails to protect the content, content owners may ask that such DRMsoftware's ability to access new DRM-protected content be revoked. Revocation mayalso prevent renewal of such DRM-protected content already in your device.Revocation of such DRM software does not affect the use of content protected withother types of DRM or the use of non-DRM-protected content.Digital rights management (DRM) protected content comes with an associated licencethat defines your rights to use the content.If your device has OMA DRM-protected content, to back up both the licences and thecontent, use the backup feature of Nokia Ovi Suite.Other transfer methods may not transfer the licences which need to be restored withthe content for you to be able to continue the use of OMA DRM-protected content after58CyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack