7Copyright © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.selected during the installation ofthe application.Supported hardware andsoftwareThe USB plug on the device supportsthe data transfer rates defined inthe USB specification version 2.0.To use the device for data transferwith your computer, the computermust have a 500 MHz 32-bit (x86)or 64-bit (x64) processor or faster, acompatible USB port, and 350megabytes of available space on thehard disk. You also need one of thefollowing operating systems:Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack2 with Hotfix KB943198, or ServicePack 3 or newer), MicrosoftWindows Vista, Windows 7, LinuxUbuntu 9.04, or Apple Mac OS 10.4,10.5, or 10.6.Microsoft Windows XP 64-bitEdition is not supported.Get startedThe device contains the followingparts shown on the title page:indicator light (1), USB plug coveredwith a protection cap (2), and coverof the SIM card slot (3).Antenna locationsYour device has internal antennas.Avoid touching the antenna area (4)unnecessarily while the antenna istransmitting or receiving. Contact withantennas affects the communicationquality and may cause a higher power