To use Ovi Suite with USB connectionmode, select PC Suite.For more information about Ovi Suite,see the support area at home networkWith home network, you can share andsynchronise media files in your mobiledevice with other devices, such as acomputer, sound system, or television.You can also view and play media filesfrom other home network devices onyour device or on other compatibledevices. For example, you can playmusic stored in your device using ahome stereo system certified by theDigital Living Network Alliance (DLNA),controlling the playlists and volumelevels directly from your device.Your device is compatible with UniversalPlug and Play (UPnP) and certified by theDigital Living Network Alliance. You cancreate a home network with a wirelessLAN (WLAN) access point device orrouter. You can connect compatibleWLAN enabled and DLNA certified UPnPdevices to the network.Examples of compatible devices• Mobile device• Compatible computer• Television• Sound system• Compatible wireless multimediareceiver, connected to a soundsystemYou can also store your media files to amedia server or retrieve media filesfrom a compatible home server.To use the WLAN function of your devicein a home network, you must have aworking WLAN home connection.The home network uses the securitysettings of the WLAN connection. Usethe home network feature in a WLANinfrastructure network with a WLANaccess point device and encryptionenabled.InternetWith the Web browser, you can viewhypertext markup language (HTML) webpages on the internet as originallydesigned. You can also browse webpages that are designed specifically formobile devices, and use extensible82 Internet© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.