your service provider for terms and data service fees beforeusing other connections. For example, a flat rate data plancan allow large data transfers for a set monthly fee.Listen to internet radio stationsSelect Menu > Media > Radio > Internet radio.To listen to a radio station on the internet, do the following:1. Select a station from your favourites or the stationdirectory, or search for stations by name from the NokiaInternet Radio service.To add a station manually, select Options > Add stationmanually. You can also browse for station links with theWeb browser application. Compatible links areautomatically opened in the Internet Radio application.2. Select Options > Listen.The Now playing view opens, displaying informationabout the currently playing station and song.To pause the playback, press the scroll key; to resume, pressthe scroll key again.To view station information, select Options > Stationinformation (not available if you have saved the stationmanually).If you are listening to a station saved in your favourites, scrollleft or right to listen to the previous or next saved station.Security and data managementManage the data and software on your device, and take careof the security of the device and its contents.To lock the device, in the home screen, press the power key,and select Lock phone.