Map coverage varies by country and region.Search for a locationMaps helps you find specific locations, places of interest, and businesses.Select > Maps and1 Enter the search word, such as a street address, business type, or place name inthe search field.2 Select an item from the list of proposed matches, and select .The location is displayed on the map.If no search results are found, make sure the spelling of your search words iscorrect.3 To return to the search results, select > search results.Tip: To view the details of a found place, you can also select its marker on the map.View the details of a locationFind more information about a specific location or place, such as a hotel or restaurant.Select > Maps.1 Search for a place.2 Select the location marker on the map, and select the name tag.A details page opens, showing contact information and a rating and reviews. Theavailable options may vary by region and place.Tip: At the bottom of the details page, you can pin the place to the start screen, sendthe place to a friend, or save the place to your favorites.Mark a location with a pushpinIf you want to get directions to a place but don’t know the exact formal address, adda pushpin to the place on the map. Pushpins can act as reminders of places you wantto visit, or you can mark meeting places that you want to share with friends.Select > Maps.On the map, tap and hold the location.If you open the details page of a pushpin, you can easily get directions to it , sharethe location with friends , or pin it to the start screen .58 Maps & navigation