About Maps apps 83Navigate to your destination 84Find and view locations 89Save and share places 93Time management 94Clock 94Calendar 96Office 99Quickoffice 99Read PDF documents 100Use the calculator 100Write a note 100Translate Chinese to English 101Open or create zip files 101Chat with your colleagues 101Phone management 102Keep your phone software andapplications up to date 102Manage files 103Free up phone memory 105Manage applications 106Synchronise content 106Copy contacts or pictures betweenphones 108Protect your phone 108Prepare your phone for recycling 110Connectivity 110Connectivity security 110Select a network manually 111Internet connections 111Keep track of your data traffic 112Wireless LAN 113VPN connections 114Bluetooth 115USB data cable 118Stream content wirelessly 120Close a network connection 122Find more help 122Support 122Access codes 122Nokia original accessories 123Practical rules about accessories 123Battery 124Product and safety information 124Index 1414 Contents