Enhancements105EnhancementsIf you want to enhance phonefunctionality, a range ofenhancements is available foryou. You can select any of theseitems to help accommodate yourspecific communication needs.For availability of these and other enhancements, contactyour dealer.Check the model number of any charger before use withthis device. This device is intended for use when suppliedwith power from a DC-4, AC-3, or AC-4 charger, and froman AC-1, ACP-8, ACP-9, ACP-12, ACH-8, ACH-9, orACH-12 charger when used with the CA-44 chargeradapter.Warning: Use only batteries, chargers, andenhancements approved by Nokia for use with thisparticular model. The use of any other types mayinvalidate any approval or warranty and may bedangerous.Your device and its enhancements may contain small parts.Keep them out of the reach of small children.A few practical rules about accessories andenhancements.• Keep all accessories and enhancements out of thereach of small children.• When you disconnect the power cord of any accessoryor enhancement, grasp and pull the plug, not the cord.• Check regularly that enhancements installed in avehicle are mounted and are operating properly.• Installation of any complex car enhancements must bemade by qualified personnel only.Power• Battery, 820 mAh, Li-Ion (BL-5B)• Travel Charger (AC-4)• Compact Charger (AC-3)• Mobile Charger (DC-4)• Charger Adapter (CA-44)Data• Connectivity Cable (CA-53)• Wireless GPS Module (LD-1W)• Wireless Keyboard (SU-8W)• Digital Pen (SU-1B)• 128 MB miniSD Card (MU-17)