Play a songSelect .Pause playbackSelect . You can also use the space key on the physicalkeyboard.Stop playbackSelect .Play the next or previous songSelect or . You can also use the arrow keys on thephysical keyboard.Repeat the currently playing songSelect .Fast-forward or rewindSelect and hold or .ShuffleSelect .Adjust the volumeTo open and close the volume controls, select . Use theslider or volume keys to adjust the volume.Browse the music librarySelect > Media player and Music.Browse the music libraryOpen the menu, and select All albums, All songs, Genres,Artists, or Playlists.Access the Now playing viewSelect .Switch between the current song and current playlistview in the Now playing viewSelect the album art image.Set a song as your ringing toneIn a view that lists songs, select and hold a song, and fromthe pop-up menu, select Set as ringing tone.In the Now playing view, you can save the playlist, or clearthe current playlist from the menu.If you close and reopen the Media player application, the lastselected view is used.View playlistsThe Media player library contains a default set of automaticplaylists. The contents of the playlists are updated each timethey are opened. You cannot edit or delete automaticplaylists.Play music and videos 87© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.