When you do not need the predictive list or youcould not find your desired Chinese character in thepredictive list, while the predictive list is notactivated, you could directly input the Pinyin fornext Chinese character. While the predictive list isalready activated, you have to press the rightselection key to close the predictive list first andthen continue to input the Pinyin for the nextChinese character.Pinyin input example: To inputcharacters for "Pinyin"1. Enter into the text editing window for writing a textmessage or any other possible position forinputting Chinese character, and switch to Pinyininput mode.2. Input the Pinyin letter pin for "pin": press 7, 4, 6 insequence, and finally input * once for the 1st tone.3. Scroll right to highlight pin- and then press thescroll key to activate the candidate list.4. The character for "pin" will be shown in thecandidate list. If this character locates in the firsthighlighted position of the candidate list, you coulddirectly press the scroll key to input it, otherwise,you should first scroll right to highlight thischaracter and then press the scroll key to input it.5. After you input the character for "pin", thepredictive list will be shown, and the character for"yin" is shown in the predictive list. You could usethe same method described in item 4 to input thischaracter.Stroke input methodThe strokes are classified according to the followingtable.Use Stroke input method1. Input strokes: The strokes constituting Chinesecharacters have been divided into five categories:Horizontal, Vertical, Left-falling, Dot and Turning.46 Write textCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackDraft