Pinyin input methodPinyin symbols are mapped to number keys. You can press the correspondingnumber key once regardless of the intended symbol’s position on the key. Thedevice will make logical combinations and display all feasible matches to thosePinyin symbols you just pressed.Use Pinyin input method1 Input Pinyin symbols and tones: Press number key once for each Pinyin symbolyou want to input (use "v" for "ü"); When you start to input, Chinese inputwindow will be shown on the screen: It shows all the Pinyin letter combinationsmatching to the keys you pressed; and the candidate Chinese characterscorresponding to the highlighted Pinyin. The Pinyin letters displayed on thescreen are changing frequently during your inputting process. Ignore thesechanges before you finish inputting the last Pinyin letter.After inputting all Pinyin letters, you can also press * to input tones. Press * onceto input the first tone, twice to input the second tone, and so on. Press * fivetimes to input the neutral tone.Tip: Press the right selection key to close the Chinese input window.2 Select desired Pinyin: When several Pinyin letters are listed on the screen, youcould scroll in the relevant direction to highlight your desired Pinyin. Press thescroll key to choose the highlighted Pinyin. Thus the selected Pinyin can bedisplayed in the Pinyin window, and the other Pinyin will disappear, and thecandidate list corresponding to this Pinyin can be activated (numbering will beshown on each candidate, and the first candidate is highlighted).3 View candidate list to find out desired Chinese character: when the candidateChinese characters exceed one line display, there will be up and down arrowsshowing at the right end of the candidate list. If you could not find a desiredcharacter in the current list, you could scroll up or down to view the previousline or the next line.72 Write text© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.