IndexAaccessories 33alarm clock 74anniversary entries 77antennas 8applications 26, 32, 88, 91audio messages 42, 43Bbacking up data 89barring calls 39battery 12charging 13, 14birthday entries 77blogs 49Bluetooth 83, 84, 85bookmarks 49browserSeeInternetbusiness cards 84Ccable connection 85, 86cache memory 49Calculator 79Calendar 76, 77calendar 76calls 21, 38conference 34diverting 39internet calls 36, 37last dialled 37making 20, 33, 34restricting 40Camera 50location information 51recording videos 52sending pictures 53taking pictures 50, 51, 52charging the battery 13, 14chat services (IM) 45, 46clock 74, 75connectivity 87contactsadding 21copying 15, 92editing 21saving 21searching 34sending 84synchronising 92troubleshooting 96widgets 25, 32copying content 15, 56, 59, 85, 92copyright protection 59Ddata connections 87Bluetooth 83date and time 75devicerebooting 14, 95setup 16switching on/off 14, 95dictionary 80diverting calls 39DRM (digital rightsmanagement) 59Ee-mailSeemail© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved. 109DRAFTRM-659 03 Aug 2010