134.3 HYDRAULIC INSTALLATION4.3.1 Valve Mounting1. On a clean surface remove all plasticplugs from the NORAC hydraulic Valve(V01) (Figure 14).Figure 14 – NORAC Valve Block2. Install the orifices (F06) into the “B”ports with the notch facing outward asshown in Figure 15.Figure 15 – Valve Block Assembly3. Install the 6MB-6MJ fittings (F04) intothe “B” ports and tighten to 18 ft-lbs.4. Install the 6MB-plugs (F05) into the “A”ports and tighten to 18 ft-lbs.5. Mount the NORAC valve (V01) to thesprayer in a suitable location.4.3.2 Hydraulic Plumbing1. After the NORAC valves are mounted,the hydraulic hoses and fittings can beplumbed. The plumbing for thehydraulic circuit is shown schematicallyin Figure 3.2. The “raise” lines must be connected tothe “B” ports of the NORAC valveblock. Insert the “T” fittings (F02) to thesprayer block and connect the “raise”lines. Connect the hoses to the openports on F02 and the “B” ports of theNORAC block.The “T” fittings are inserted intothe hydraulic circuit to allow theNORAC valve block to control thecylinders in parallel with theexisting system.3. Tee in the pressure (“P”) and tank (“T”)lines for the NORAC block in to theexisting lines from the valve block,using the “T” fitting (F03).4. Connect the “A” and “B” ports on theexpansion block to the linear rollcylinder, as shown in Figure 3.You must ensure there are noother orifices present in the circuitbetween the NORAC valve blockand the boom cylinders.You must ensure no hydrauliccomponents will interfere with anysprayer parts or be pulled tight atany time.NOTEORIENTATION“B” LINEORIFICE