4.5 COMPLETING THE FACTORY INSTALLATION1. Test the functionality of the original manufacturer’s boom controls. The NORAC ControlPanel (E01) does not need to be powered up for the original switches to function. Unfold thebooms and raise/lower each boom and main section. Confirm that the cabling/hoses areagreeable to the entire range of motion. If one or more of these functions do not work,review the hydraulic and electrical portions of this manual to check for proper installation.2. Connect the control panel to C11 via cable C10. Connect C10 to power as described in theUC4+BC+RA1-INSTE document.3. Unfold the booms and level to 90 cm (or 35 inch) nozzle height. At this point ensure theUC4+ sensors are reading from an adequate and uniform target, such as gravel or dirt, orconcrete.4. By using the “Quick Install” feature of the UC4 panel, the system may be configured inpreparation for the End-User. However, a hydraulic “RETUNE” procedure will be requiredfor optimal performance. This is required to tune the UC4 hydraulic parameters to those ofthe End-User tractor hydraulic system.5. To perform the “Quick Install” procedure, select the RA2 sprayer type. However, ratherthan toggling “YES” to select the RA1 type, hold the toggle switch towards “YES” (forseveral seconds) until the word “SENSORSENSORSENSORSENSOR” appears on the UC4 controller screen.6. The UC4 control panel will then prompt the installer to “EXIT CAB AND PUSHEXIT CAB AND PUSHEXIT CAB AND PUSHEXIT CAB AND PUSHBOOM TIP DOWN TO GROUNDBOOM TIP DOWN TO GROUNDBOOM TIP DOWN TO GROUNDBOOM TIP DOWN TO GROUND”. When exiting the cab and approaching theboom, avoid walking near the UC4 sensors as this may result in measurement error.7. At this point the UC4 panel should display the Main Operating Screen:↓↓↓↓MMMM 90909090 MMMM (example)indicating the system is ready for the second stage of installation. This will be carried by theend user (for the reasons as described above in Step 3).