SERVICE MANUAL13www.norcold.comMode ButtonThe mode button is manually operated and does not automaticallychange the operating mode of the refrigerator.Push and hold the Mode button [31] to scroll through the availablemodes of operation of the refrigerator, one after the other. Whenthe desired mode indicator comes on, release the Mode button.Or push and release the Mode button to change the availablemodes of operation one at a time. There are one (1) Automatic andtwo (2) Manual Mode of operation.■ AUTO Mode: The refrigerator controls automatically select themost efficient energy source that is available.■ If available, the refrigerator controls select AC electric as thepower choice and the Auto mode AC indicator [281] comeson (See Fig. 13).■ If AC electric is not available, the controls select propanegas as the power choice and the Auto mode propane gasindicator [282] comes on.■ MANUAL AC mode: The refrigerator operates using only ACelectric as the power source and the Manual mode AC indicator[283] comes on.■ MANUAL GAS mode: The refrigerator operates using onlypropane gas as the power source and the Manual mode gasindicator [284] comes on.Temperature Set ButtonPush and hold the TEMPERATURE SET button [32] (See Fig.12)to scroll through temperature settings, one after the other. Releasethe TEMPERATURE SET button when the desired temperaturesetting appears.Or push and release the TEMPERATURE SET button to changethe temperature settings, one at a time.Controls, cont’d.Fig. 13 - Mode IndicatorsART 02493setsetset set284282281283Art02493Temperature IndicatorThere are nine (9) temperature settings [278] (See Fig.12).■ Number one (1) is the warmest temperature setting.■ Number nine (9) is the coldest temperature setting.Gas OperationWhen either AUTO or MANUAL GAS mode is selected, the re-frigerator attempts to ignite the propane gas burner. If unable toignite the burner and to maintain a flame, the fault code “no” “FL”appears in the LCD.