Nordic ID Morphic Quick Manual
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8LASERSome Morphics areequipped with a 1Dlaser scanner and arethus Class 2 Laser products. Thelaser scanner uses a low power,visible laser diode. As with any verybright light source, such as the sun,the user should avoid staring di-rectly into the light beam. Momen-tary exposure to a Class 2 laser isnot known to be harmful.The NORDIC ID Morphic fulfils theregulatory requirements as follows:Complies with 21CFR1040.10 and•1040.11 except for deviationspursuant to Laser Notice No. 50,dated July 26, 2001.EN60825-1:1994+ A1:2002•+A2:2001IEC60825 1:1993+A1:1997+•A2:2001BATTERYUse only batteries approved by Nor-dic ID.This device is intended for usewith Varta EasyPack 3.7V rechargea-ble Lithium Polymer battery.Do not disassemble the battery.•Do not short circuit the battery’s•electrical contacts.Do not expose the battery to•direct sunlight or other heatsources.Dispose the battery in ecologi-•cally sound manner and accord-ing to local laws and regulations.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSDANSK LASERLYF! SE IKKE IND I STRÅLEN! KLASSE 2 LASER!DEUTSCH LASERSTRAHLEN! NICHT DIRECT IN DEN LASERSTRAHL SCHAUEN! LASERPRODUKT DER KLASSE 2!ENGLISH LASER LIGHT! DO NOT STARE INTO BEAM! CLASS 2 LASER!ESPAÑOL LUZ LASER! NO MIRE FIJAMENTE EL HAZ! PRODUCTO LASER DE LA CLASE 2!FRANCAIS LUMIERE LASER! NE PAS REGARDER LE RAYON FIXEMENT! PRODUIT LASER DECLASSE 2!ITALIANO LUCE LASER! NON FISSARE IL RAGGIO PRODOTTO!NEDERLANDS LASERLICHT! NIET IN STRAAL STAREN! KLASSE-2 LASER!NORSK LASERLYS! IKKE STIRRINN I LYSSTRÅLEN! LASER, KLASSE 2!PORTUGUÊS LUZ DE LASER! NÃO FIXAR O RAIO LUMINOSO! PRODUTO LASER DA CLASSE 2!SUOMI VARO LASERSÄDETTÄ! ÄLÄ SUUNTAA SÄDETTÄ SILMIIN! LASER, LUOKKA 2!SVENSKA VARNING LASERSTÅLNING! STIRRA EJ IN I STRÅLEN! KLASS 2 LASER!AC ADAPTERUse only AC adapters approved•by Nordic ID. This device isintended for use with NordicPower SA115C-05 AC adapter.Do not use the AC adapter for•any other purposes than forCOMPLIANCE STATEMENTSCE COMPLIANCESTATEMENTHereby, Nordic ID Oy declaresthat this Nordic ID Morphicproduct is in compliance withthe essential requirements andother relevant provisions of Di-rective 1999/5/ECDANSK Undertegnede Nordic ID Oy erklærerherved, at følgende udstyr NORDICID Morphicoverholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevantekrav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.DEUTSCH Hiermit erklärt Nordic ID Oy, dasssich das Gerät NORDICID Morphic in Überein-stimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderun-gen und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmun-gen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet.ESPAÑOL Por medio de la presente Nordic IDOy declara que el NORDICID Morphic cumplecon los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otrasdisposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva1999/5/CE.ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΑ Nordic IDOy ΔΗΛΩΝΕΙ ΟΤΙ NORDICID Morphic ΣΥΜ-ΜΟΡΦΩΝΕΤΑΙ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΙΣ ΟΥΣΙΩΔΕΙΣ ΑΠΑΙ-ΤΗΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΙΣ ΛΟΙΠΕΣ ΣΧΕΤΙΚΕΣ ΔΙΑΤΑ-ΞΕΙΣ ΤΗΣ ΟΔΗΓΙΑΣ 1999/5/ΕΚ.FRANÇAIS Par la présente Nordic ID Oydéclare que l’appareil NORDICID Morphic estconforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autresdispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE.ITALIANO Con la presente Nordic ID Oy di-chiara che questo NORDICID Morphic è con-forme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposiz-ioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE.NEDERLANDS Hierbij verklaart Nordic IDOy dat het toestel NORDICID Morphic in over-eenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de an-dere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG.NORSK NORDICID Morphic er i samsvarmed de grunnleggende krav og andre relevantebestemmelser i EU-direktiv 1999/5/EF.PORTUGUÊS Nordic ID Oy declara que esteNORDICID Morphic está conforme com os req-uisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva1999/5/CE.SUOMI Nordic ID Oy vakuuttaa täten ettäNORDIC ID Morphic tyypin laite on direktiivin1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevi-en direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.SVENSKA Härmed intygar Nordic ID Oy attdenna NORDICID Morphic står I överensstäm-melse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övrigarelevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv1999/5/EG.NATIONAL RESTRICTIONS INTHE EUROPEAN UNIONWhen the Morphic device incorporates an op-tional 2.4 GHz wideband transmission system(transceiver), it imposes some restrictions on theuse of its 2.4 GHz WLAN connectivity in France,Italy, and Latvia where restrictive use applies to2.4 GHz band.In Italy the end-user should apply for a license atthe national spectrum authorities in order to ob-tain authorization to use the outdoor WLAN set-ups and/or for supplying public WLAN access totelecommunications and/or network services.The outdoor WLAN set-ups may not be used inFrance and in some areas the RF output powermay be limited to 10 mW EIRP in the frequencyrange of 2454 – 2483.5 MHz. For detailed infor-mation the end-user should contact the nationalspectrum authority in France.In Latvia the outdoor usage of the 2.4 GHz bandrequires an authorization from the ElectronicCommunications Office.FRANCE Pour la bande 2,4 GHz, la puissanceest limitée à 10 mW en p.i.r.e. pour les équipe-ments utilisés en extérieur dans la bande 2454 -2483,5 MHz. Il n’y a pas de restrictions pour desutilisations dans d’autres parties de la bande 2,4GHz. Consultez pour deplus amples détails.ITALY Questo prodotto è conforme alla speci-fiche di Interfaccia Radio Nazionali e rispetta ilPiano Nazionale di ripartizione delle frequenze inItalia. Se non viene installato all ‘interno del pro-prio fondo, l’utilizzo di prodotti Wireless LANrichiede una “Autorizzazione Generale”. Consul-tare per maggioridettagli.LATVIA 2,4 GHz frekveču joslas izmantošanaiārpus telpām nepieciešama atļauja no Elektroni-sko sakaru direkcijas. Vairāk informācijas: COMPLIANCESTATEMENTThis hand-held device complieswith part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the fol-lowing two conditions: (1) Thisdevice may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this devicemust accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired opera-tion.Changes or modifications not expressly approvedby the party responsible for compliance could voidthe user’s authority to operate the hand-heldequipment.FCC COMPLIANCE NOTICENOTE: This equipment has been tested andfound to comply with the limits for a Class Bdigital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits are designed to provide rea-sonable protection against harmful interference ina residential installation. This equipment gener-ates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energyand, if not installed and used in accordance withthe instructions, may cause harmful interferenceto radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a par-ticular installation. If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television recep-tion, which can be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged totry to correct the interference by one or more ofthe following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equip-•ment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a•circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/•TV technician for help.charging the Morphic’s re-chargeable batteries.Check the mains voltage•against those specified in theAC adapter before plugging tomains socket.Use the AC adapter indoors at•normal room temperatures.MEDICAL DEVICESOperation of any radio transmittingwireless equipment, including theMorphic, may interfere with the func-tionality of inadequately protectedmedical devices. To avoid potentialinterference, a minimum separationof 20 centimetres (8 inches) betweena wireless device and an implantedmedical device, such as a pacemak-er, hearing aid, or cardioverter-defi-brillator, is recommend by the manu-facturers of medical devices. Consulta physician or the manufacturer ofthe medical device if necessary.POTENTIALLY EXPLOSIVEENVIRONMENTSSwitch off your device when in areawith potentially explosive atmos-phere. Sparks in such areas couldcause fi re or an explosion. Potentiallyexplosive environment include areaswhere the air contains chemicals orparticles such as dust or other pow-ders. Potentially explosive areas areoften, but not necessarily always,clearly marked. Obey all signs andinstructions. |
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