© 2006 Nordic ID OyRF601 User Manual May 2006 Version 116���������������6.4 Laser conf.The user can fill this input field by activating the scanner and by using the scanner to read a barcode.This feature may be used to test the reader functionality and programming the laser module. A special use of this featurerelates to the programming of the laser module with the help of special programming barcodes provided Nordic ID. Forfurther information about programming the laser module, please contact Nordic ID Technical Support (support@nordicid.com).The scanner can also be configured “on-line” from the backend software. This feature is explained in the document “RF-series system developer guide”.7. RF601 Base StationRF601 Base Station creates the radio network required for the data transmission between Hand Terminal(s) and Hostsystem. Base station supports 7 channels which each can support several users simultaneously. The base station canbe connected to the host system using an RS232 serial interface or to LAN (Local Area Network) using the Ethernetconnector (optional).The Base Station has an RS232C port with fixed settings 19200 bauds, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. It uses RTS/CTS hardware handshaking in the direction HOST-> Base station.The configuration of the (optional) ethernet connector is done by specific software avalable from Nordic ID.Fig. The Nordic ID RF601 Base Station