21As you exercise, the workout intensity level barwill indicate the approximate intensity level of yourexercise.When a wireless iFit module isconnected, the wireless sym-bol at the top of the display willshow the strength of your wire-less signal. Four arcs indicatefull signal strength.To exit the manual mode or a workout, press theHome button. If necessary, press the Home buttonagain.Change the volume level ofthe console by pressing thevolume increase and decreasebuttons.5. Measure your heart rate if desired.You can measure your heart rate using either thehandgrip heart rate monitor or the optional chestheart rate monitor (see page 25 for informationabout the optional chest heart rate monitor).If there aresheets of plas-tic on the metalcontacts on thehandgrip heartrate monitor,remove the plas-tic. To measureyour heart rate,hold the handgripheart rate monitorwith your palms resting against the contacts. Avoidmoving your hands or gripping the contactstightly.When your pulse is detected, a heart symbol willflash in the display each time your heart beats,one or two dashes will appear, and then your heartrate will be shown. For the most accurate heartrate reading, hold the contacts for at least 15seconds.If the display does not show your heart rate, makesure that your hands are positioned as described.Be careful not to move your hands excessively orto squeeze the contacts tightly. For optimal perfor-mance, clean the contacts using a soft cloth; neveruse alcohol, abrasives, or chemicals to cleanthe contacts.6. Turn on the fan if desired.The fan has high, low, andauto speed settings. Whilethe auto mode is selected, thespeed of the fan will automati-cally increase or decrease asyou increase or decrease your pedaling speed.Press the fan button repeatedly to select a fanspeed or to turn off the fan.Note: If the pedals do not move for about thirtyseconds, the fan will turn off automatically.7. When you are finished exercising, unplug thepower cord.If the pedals do not move for several seconds, atone will sound and the console will pause.If the pedals do not move for several minutes andthe buttons are not pressed, the console will turnoff and the display will be reset.When you are finished exercising, press the powerswitch to the off position and unplug the powercord. IMPORTANT: If you do not do this, theelectrical components on the elliptical maywear prematurely.Contacts