17UteELNT08112NTEL08112.0CONSOLE DIAGRAMMAKE YOUR FITNESS GOALS A REALITY WITHIFIT.COMWith your new iFit-compatible fitness equipment, youcan use an array of features on iFit.com to make yourfitness goals a reality:Exercise anywhere in the world with cus-tomizable Google Maps.Download training workouts designed tohelp you reach your personal goals.Measure your progress by competingagainst other users in the iFit community.Upload your workout results to the iFit cloudand track your accomplishments.Set calorie, time, or distance goals for yourworkouts.Choose and download sets of weight-lossworkouts.Go to iFit.com to learn more.FEATURES OF THE CONSOLEThe advanced console offers an array of featuresdesigned to make your workouts more effective andenjoyable.When you use the manual mode of the console, youcan change the resistance of the pedals and the inclineof the ramp with the touch of a button.While you exercise, the console will display continu-ous exercise feedback. You can also measure yourheart rate using the handgrip heart rate monitor or anoptional chest heart rate monitor.The console offers twenty-four onboard workouts.Each workout automatically changes the resistance ofthe pedals and the incline of the ramp and prompts youto vary your pedaling pace as it guides you through aneffective workout. You can also set a calories, distance,or time goal.