17The Calories dis-play—If no caloriegoal was set, thisdisplay will show theapproximate numberof calories you haveburned. If a caloriesgoal was set, the display will show the number ofcalories still to be burned during your workout.The Pulsedisplay—This dis-play will show yourheart rate when youuse the handgrippulse sensor or thechest pulse sensor(see step 6 below).Note: You can se-lect any of threebacklight modes forthe displays. The“On” mode keepsthe backlight onwhile the console ison. The “Off” mode turns the backlight off. The“Auto” mode keeps the backlight on only while youare exercising. To change the backlight mode, firsthold down the Start button for a few seconds. Thecurrent backlight mode will appear in the Caloriesdisplay. Next, press the One-touch Resistance 1button to change the backlight mode. Then, pressthe Start button.6. Measure your heart rate if desired.To use the chest pulse sensor, see page 10. Touse the handgrip pulse sensor, follow the instruc-tions below. Note: If you wear the chest pulsesensor and hold the handgrip pulse sensor atthe same time, the console will not display yourheart rate accurately.If there aresheets of clearplastic on themetal contactson the hand-grip pulse sen-sor, peel offthe plastic.Place yourhands on the handgrip pulse sensor, with yourpalms on the contacts. Avoid moving yourhands. When your pulse is detected, one or twodashes will appear in the Pulse display and thenyour heart rate will be shown.For the most accurate heart rate reading, continueto hold the handgrips for about 30 seconds.If your heart rate is not shown, make sure that yourhands are positioned as described. Avoid movingyour hands excessively or squeezing the metalcontacts too tightly. For optimal performance, peri-odically clean the metal contacts using a soft cloth;never use alcohol, abrasives, or chemicals.7. When you are finished exercising, the consolewill automatically turn off.If the pedals are not moved for a few seconds, aseries of tones will sound, the Time display willbegin to flash, and the console will pause.If the pedals are not moved for a few minutes, theconsole will turn off and the displays will be reset.Contacts