18THE INFORMATION MODE/DEMO MODEThe console features an information mode that keepstrack of the total number of hours that the ellipticalcrosstrainer has been used and the total number ofmiles that the pedals have moved. The informationmode also allows you to switch the console from milesto kilometers. In addition, the information mode allowsyou to turn on and turn off the demo mode.To select the information mode, press RESISTANCEbutton “1” and the SELECT WORKOUT button at thesame time. The following information will be shown:The left LED displaywill show the total num-ber of hours that theelliptical crosstrainerhas been used.The center LED displaywill show the total num-ber of miles that thepedals have moved.The right LED displaywill show an “E” forEnglish miles or an “M”for metric kilometers.Press the START PRO-GRAM button to changethe unit of measurement, if desired.IMPORTANT: Makesure that there is nota “d” in the right dis-play. If a “d” appears inthe display, the consoleis in the “demo” mode.This mode is intended tobe used only when an elliptical crosstrainer is displayedin a store. When the console is in the demo mode, thepower cord can be plugged in and the displays andindicators on the console will automatically light in apreset sequence, although the buttons on the consolewill not operate. If a “d” appears in the right displaywhen the information mode is selected, press theSELECT WORKOUT button so the “d” disappears.To exit the information mode, press RESISTANCE but-ton “1” and the SELECT WORKOUT button at thesame time.