15Measure your heart rate if desired.If there aresheets of clearplastic on themetal contactson the handgrippulse sensor,remove the plas-tic. In addition,make sure thatyour hands areclean. To mea-sure your heart rate, hold the handgrip pulse sen-sor with your palms resting against the metal con-tacts. Avoid moving your hands or gripping thecontacts tightly.When your pulse is detected, a heart-shapedsymbol will flash in the display each time yourheart beats and then your heart rate will beshown. For the most accurate heart rate reading,hold the contacts for at least 15 seconds.If your heart rate is not shown, make sure thatyour hands are positioned as described. Be care-ful not to move your hands excessively or tosqueeze the metal contacts tightly. For optimalperformance, clean the metal contacts using asoft cloth; never use alcohol, abrasives, orchemicals to clean the contacts.Turn on the fan if desired.To turn on the fan at high speed, press the Fanbutton. To turn on the fan at low speed, press theFan button a second time. To select the automode, press the Fan button a third time; while theauto mode is selected, the speed of the fan willautomatically increase or decrease as youincrease or decrease your pedaling speed.Pivot the thumbtab on the rightside of the fan toadjust the fanangle.To turn off the fan, press the Fan button again.Note: If the pedals do not move for about thirtyseconds, the fan will automatically turn off to con-serve the batteries.When you are finished exercising, the consolewill turn off automatically.If the pedals do not move for several seconds, aseries of tones will sound and the console willpause.If the pedals do not move for about five minutes,the console will turn off and the displays will bereset.765ContactsThumbTab