www.nordsonefd.com info@nordsonefd.com 800-556-3484 Sales and service of Nordson EFD dispensing systems are available worldwide.2K 600mL Dispense Guns with Built-In Retainers10TriggerFluid level indicatorDispensing Material: Pneumatic Guns5 Pull the trigger to dispense material.Note: This builds up a cushion of compressedair inside the gun, which starts the flowof material. When you release the trigger,material flow ceases as the compressed airescapes rapidly through a quick exhaust valveat the rear of the gun.6 Throughout the dispensing process, checkthe fluid level indicator to see how muchmaterial remains in the cartridges.21 Place the Forward / Reverse air toggle in theFORWARD position.Note: The first three steps of this procedurewill purge air from the cartridge.Turn the fluid pressure regulator knobcounterclockwise until it will no longer turn;then turn the knob 1–2 rotations clockwise.3 Purge air from the cartidge by pointing thegun up and slowly dispensing material into thestatic mixer. Then dispense the first 15 cm (6")of unmixed material into a waste container.Note: Perform this process (steps 1–3) foreach new or partially used cartridge.4 Important: Before increasing the fluidpressure, verify that both materialcomponents are travelling equally through themixer. As needed, dispense unmixed materialinto a waste container.Adjust the fluid pressure regulator knob to thedesired setting for normal operation.ba