Rhino SD2/XD2 Pumps4 2018 Nordson CorporationPart 1073520-15Theory of OperationThe following paragraphs provide theory of operation fora typical pump air motor and hydraulic section.Air MotorSee Figure 2. The air motor drives the hydraulic section.A five-way two-position main air control valve controlsthe direction of the air motor shaft movement.When the air motor piston moves up and down, thepiston trip-bar trips the pilot valves. The pilot valvessend momentary signals to an intermediate valve. Theintermediate valve sends a positive continuous signal tothe main air motor control valve for each direction oftravel. The intermediate valve has manual overrides forair motor directional changes for performing repairs andassembling.Hydraulic SectionSee Figure 3. The hydraulic section has a shovelattached to the end of the hydraulic plunger that projectsinto the center of the follower plate. The shovel movesup and down with the plunger, helping to force materialinto the hydraulic section. The hydraulic sectionpressurizes the material and forces it out of the pump.When the plunger strokes downward, the piston/uppercheck opens and the lower check closes. Materialbetween the upper and lower checks is forced upwardthrough the piston. The material above the upper checkpressurizes and flows out of the material output port.NOTE: The stainless steel version is a single-actinghydraulic section that only displaces material on thedownward stroke.During the upward pump stroke, the plunger and shovelare pulled upward and the piston/upper check closes.The lower check opens and allows material to pass intothe lower pump chamber below the upper check. As theplunger and piston move upward, material from the upperpump chamber is forced out of the material outlet port.The solvent chamber surrounds the plunger. Thechamber contains solvent chamber fluid that lubricatesthe plunger and packing gland seals. This fluid keepsmaterial from hardening on the plunger and minimizeswear on the packing gland seals. The bleed valve isused to bleed air from the pump.DOWN STROKEPILOT VALVEMAIN AIR MOTORCONTROL VALVEAIR MOTORPISTON TRIP-BARUP STROKEPILOT VALVE UPSTROKEINTERMEDIATEVALVEMANUALOVERRIDEDOWNSTROKEFigure 2 Air Motor