21Water TreatmentWater Treatment SystemCity Water SupplyHot Water to FixturesShutoff ValvePressureReliefValveDrainCold to WaterHeaterOptional SedimentFilterWater Treatment DeviceShutoff ValveType of Water Hardness Level Treatment Device* Flush Frequency**Soft 0-1 gpg1-3 gpg(0-17 mg/L) None NoneSlightly Hard (17-51 mg/L) None NoneModeratelyHardHard3-7 gpg(51-120 mg/L)H2Flow orScaleShieldH2Flow orScaleShieldOnce a Year*** orFlashing the error code****Once a Year*** orFlashing the error code****Once a Year*** orFlashing the error code****Once a Year*** orFlashing the error code****7-10 gpg(120-171 mg/L)Very Hard 10-12 gpg(120-200 mg/L)H2Flow orWater SoftenerH2Flow orWater SoftenerExtremelyHard> 12 gpg(> 200 mg/L)Residential Use Treatment GuidelinesNORITZCondensingTankless GasWater Heater* When selecting a treatment device, you mustconsult with the device’s spec sheet andinstallation manual for guidelines and limitations.Not all water supplies are compatible -a water test may be required.** Install Noritz Isolation Valves to allow for flushing.***Flushing is required if a water treatmentdevice is not installed.**** The error code "㻯㻌㻌㻌㻏" will be flashing in theDisplay Window.= 1, 2, 3, 4, F# = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, b, C, d, E, F▲The illustration is an example. Please check with the actual water heater about the position of piping, and form.If this water heater will be installed in an application where the supply water is hard, the water must betreated with either the Noritz H2Flow or ScaleShield or a water softener. Refer to the below tables forsuggested treatment and maintenance measures to be taken based on the water hardness level. If thiswater heater will be installed in an application where the supply water is hard, Scale Build-up may causedamage to the Heat Exchanger. In this case, this water heater detects Scale Build-up in the HeatExchanger and then the error code " "* will flash in the Display Window. When the error code " "*is displayed, the Heat Exchanger needs to be flushed to prevent damage from Scale Build-up. Refer to the"Procedure for flushing the Heat Exchanger" on page 22 or contact Noritz America for more information.(http://support.noritz.com/ or 866-766-7489)Damage to the water heater as a result of the items below is not covered by the Noritz America LimitedWarranty.• Water in excess of 12 gpg (200mg/L) of hardness• Poor water quality (See the Water Quality List on page 20.)• The water heater has displayed a " " error code indicating Scale Build-up, but the heat exchangerhas not been flushed.Note: Water softeners may be regulated by the local water jurisdiction, consult with the manufacturer forcode, sizing, and installation guidelines; the below diagram is for reference only. For more informationabout H2Flow and ScaleShield, contact Noritz America at http://support.noritz.com/ or 866-766-7489.* = 1, 2, 3, 4, F# = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, b, C, d, E, F