![Nortek Security & Control Mighty Mule MM372W Installation Manual Manual pdf 4 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3978811/7308fc97bc5bb05ed0153a1e97efbe674f.jpg)
ii MM371W / MM372W Installation InstructionsBEFORE YOU BEGIN TO INSTALL YOUR AUTOMATIC GATE OPERATOR:Read these instructions carefully to become familiar with all parts and installation steps.The video is only designed as an overview of the installation procedure.You must read the installation manual for detailed instructionson gate operator safety and proper use of the gate operator.Please Read This First!Thank you for purchasing a Mighty Mule Gate Operator—Nortek Security and Control's "do-it-yourself" automaticgate operator! When correctly installed and properly used,your Mighty Mule Gate Operator will give you many yearsof reliable service. Please read the following informationto ensure you have the correct system for your particularneeds. If so, this manual and will enable you to properlyinstall your Mighty Mule Gate Operator.The Mighty Mule Gate Operator is designed for installationfor single or dual gates. The gate(s) must not exceed 16feet in length or weigh more than 550 pounds (please seeTechnical Specifications on page x). The Mighty Mule GateOperator can be used on vinyl, aluminum, chain link, farmtube, and wrought iron gates.Not rated for use on solid surface gates due to thepotential to damage the operator and/or injure someone.The Mighty Mule Gate Operator accommodates extratransmitters, digital keypads, solar panels, push buttons,automatic gate locks, and other access control products.These optional accessories (see the Mighty Mule AccessoryCatalog) are available at most stores. Your store should beable to special order any accessory not in stock.If your store cannot special order accessories, please callthe Mighty Mule Sales Department (800-543-4283).The Mighty Mule Gate Operator features Dual SenseTechnology™. This feature makes the gate stop andreverse direction when it comes in contact with anobstruction.The Mighty Mule Gate Operator also has an adjustableauto-close feature. After the gate reaches the fully openposition, it can be set to remain open up to 120 secondsbefore automatically closing. Pressing the transmitterbutton at any time after the gate opens fully will cause itto close immediately. OFF is the factory setting; meaningthe gate will stay open until you press the transmitter (orkeypad, etc.) again.Visit www.mightymule.com for a retailer near you.NOT FOR THE CONTAINMENT OF ANIMALS.