56 System architectureNRS ManagerNRS Manager is a web-based management application used to configure,provision, and maintain the NRS. Key usability improvements introduced inthe Linux-based NRS Manager are:• Enhanced searching and sorting capabilities including wild cards andselectable scope of the search• Capability to copy and move routing entries• Simplified configuration for geographic redundancy• Routing tests are fully integrated with endpoint and routing entryconfiguration• SIP phone context mapping tools are fully integrated with endpoint androuting entry configuration• Security infrastructure provided by the Enterprise Common ManagerframeworkFor more information, see Network Routing Service Installation andCommissioning (NN43001-564)Software architectureThe superloop network card and IPE cards contain microprocessorsthat allow software changes and upgrades from the disk drive unit to bedownloaded. These downloads can occur automatically, after a systemreload, or manually through software program commands.Call processing, maintenance, and administration are controlled by softwareprograms stored either as firmware programs, as software programsresident in system memory, or as nonresident programs on disk. Theinformation that describes system configuration and associated IPE is calledoffice data. This data resides in the system memory and on disk.FirmwareFirmware provides fundamental programs consisting of hard-wired logicinstructions stored in Programmable Read-only Memory (PROM). Firmwareprograms manipulate data in the central processor and control input/outputoperations, error diagnostics, and recovery routines.SoftwareSoftware programs consist of instruction sequences that control callprocessing, IPE, administration, and maintenance functions. Severalgeneric software programs with optional feature packages are available.Nortel Communication Server 1000Communication Server 1000M and Meridian 1 Large System OverviewNN43021-110 01.03 StandardRelease 5.0 18 February 2008Copyright © 2003-2008, Nortel Networks.