Memory, processing, and data storage 25Network Routing ServiceThe Network Routing Service (NRS) application provides network-basedrouting, combining the following into a single application:• H.323 Gatekeeper — The H.323 Gatekeeper provides central dialingplan management and routing for H.323-based endpoints and gateways.• SIP Redirect Server — The SIP Redirect Server provides central dialingplan management and routing for SIP-based endpoints and gateways.• NRS Database — The NRS Database stores the central dialing plan inXML format for both the SIP Redirect Server and the H.323 Gatekeeper.The SIP Redirect Server and H.323 Gatekeeper both access thiscommon endpoint and gateway database.• Network Connect Server (NCS) — The NCS is used only for MediaGateway 1000B (MG 1000B) and Virtual Office solutions.• NRS Manager web interface — The NRS provides its own webinterface to configure the SIP Redirect Server, the H.323 Gatekeeper,and the NCS.The NRS application provides routing services to both H.323- andSIP-compliant devices. The H.323 Gatekeeper can be configured to supportH.323 routing services, while the SIP Redirect Server can be configured tosupport SIP routing services. The H.323 Gatekeeper and the SIP RedirectServer can reside on the same Signaling Server.Each system in an IP Peer network must register to the NRS. The NRSsoftware identifies the IP addresses of systems based on the network-widenumbering plan. NRS registration eliminates the need for manualconfiguration of IP addresses and numbering plan information at every site.Element ManagerElement Manager is a simple and user-friendly web-based interface thatsupports a broad range of system management tasks, including:• configuration and maintenance of IP Peer and IP telephony features• configuration and maintenance of traditional routes and trunks• configuration and maintenance of numbering plans• configuration of Call Server data blocks (such as configuration data,customer data, Common Equipment data, D-channels)• maintenance commands, system status inquiries, backup and restorefunctions• software download, patch download, patch activationNortel Communication Server 1000Communication Server 1000M and Meridian 1 Small System OverviewNN43011-110 01.01 StandardRelease 5.0 30 May 2007Copyright © 2003 - 2007, Nortel Networks.