Additional features75Invalid ID (3) Incorrect User IDentered.Enter correct User ID.User ID inGatekeeper databasepoints to originatingCall Server.Notify systemadministrator.Locked from Login Three failed attemptsto enter the correctStation ControlPassword.Wait one hour for thelock to clearautomatically, ornotify systemadministrator to clearlock.Logged out Home TN in use byVirtual Office.Log in to another TNusing Virtual Office.Permission Denied(1)Remote telephonehas no StationControl Password.Notify systemadministrator.Permission Denied(3)Incorrect User IDentered.Enter correct User ID.Remote telephonehas no StationControl Password.Notify systemadministrator.Permission Denied(4)Incorrect User IDentered.Enter correct User ID.Attempt to log in to aremote IP Phone2002 or IP Phone2004 (somerestrictions apply).Go to an IP AudioConference Phone2033, IP Phone 2002,or IP Phone 2004and try to log inagain, or consult yoursystem administrator.Table 4: Troubleshoot Virtual Office (Part 2 of 3)Displayed Message Probable Cause Action