26 MCG 3100LicensingThe MCG 3100 manages all licensing. The license file is installed on theMCG 3100 and as each client registers, the licences are consumed.For more information on licenses, see Nortel Mobile Communication3100 Installation and Commissioning (NN42030-300) and Nortel MobileCommunication 3100 Administration and Security (NN42030-600).CertificatesA Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) uses Transport Layer Security (TLS)certificates to provide server authentication and private communication.With a PKI, the communication between the mobile clients and theMCG 3100 server is secure.To configure the PKI, the following tasks are required:• Enroll with a Certificate Authority (CA).• Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).• Obtain a signed TLS certificate.• Obtain the CA root certificate, intermediate certificate, or both asrequired by the CA.• Install the root or intermediate (or both as required by the CA) andsigned certificates.• Distribute the CA root certificate.Some CAs, such as VeriSign or Entrust, charge a fee for their services.Others, such as CACert or RapidSSL, provide free or low-cost solutions.As an alternative to using a commercial CA, you can build your own. Forexample, Microsoft Exchange Server includes tools that enable you tobuild a CA server that is exclusive to your organization.Nortel Mobile Communication 3100Nortel Mobile Communication 3100 FundamentalsNN42030-109 02.02 23 November 2009Copyright © 2008-2009 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved..