Filters and QoS Configuration for ERS 5500Technical Configuration Guide v2.0 NN48500-559___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Nortel Confidential Information Copyright © 2008 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.External Distribution 205.1 Actual Bucket SizeWhen configuring a meter or shape rate, a fixed token bucket is also configured which is derivedfrom the committed rate, burst rate, and burst duration configured. If a burst duration is notconfigured, the largest bucket size is automatically selected which would be 512K for a 10/100Mbps or 1 GigE port. If you wish to use another bucket size, you must calculate the burst durationby using the actual size of the bucket - Sections 5.2 and 5.3 provide examples. The followingtable, Table 7, shown below displays the actual bucket size in bytes.Table 7: Actual Bucket Size in BytesBucket Size Actual size in bytes Interface4K 4,096 10/100 Mbps and GigE8K 8,192 10/100 Mbps and GigE16K 16,384 10/100 Mbps and GigE32K 32,768 10/100 Mbps and GigE64K 65,536 10/100 Mbps and GigE128K 131,072 10/100 Mbps and GigE256K 262,144 10/100 Mbps and GigE512K 524,288 10/100 Mbps and GigE1024K 1,048,576 10 GigE (5530)4096K 2,097,152 10 GigE (5530)8192K 8,388,608 10 GigE (5530)5.2 Policing TrafficWhen configuring traffic policing, the committed rate, burst rate, and burst duration can beconfigured using the following command:• 5530-24TFD(config)#qos meter <1-55000> committed-rate <64-10230000 Kbits/sec>max-burst-rate <64-4294967295 Kbits/sec> max-burst-duration <1-4294967295Milliseconds> in-profile-action <1-55000> out-profile-action [<1-1>|<9-55000>]QoS parameters:Parameter Description<1-55000> Enter an integer to specify the QoS meter; range is 1 to Specify name for meter; maximum is 16 alphanumericcharacters.committed-rate<64-10230000>Specifies rate that traffic must not exceed for extended periods tobe considered in-profile. Enter the rate in Kb/s for in-profile trafficin increments of 1000 Kbits/sec; range is 64 to 10230000Kbits/sec.max-burst-rate<64-4294967295>Specifies the largest burst of traffic that can be received in agiven time for the traffic to be considered in-profile. Used incalculating the committed burst size. Enter the burst size in Kb/sfor in-profile traffic; range is 64 to 294967295 Kbits/secmax-burst-duration<1-4294967295>Specifies the amount of time that the largest burst of traffic canbe received for the traffic to be considered in-profile. Used incalculating the committed burst size. Enter the burst duration inms for in-profile traffic; range is 1 to 4294967295 <1-55000> Specify the in-profile action ID; range is 1 to the in-profile action name.